Software produkte werden vom rrze unter abschluss eines nutzungsvertrags weitergegeben. A cornerstone of nodelevel performance analysis is the roofline model, which is introduced in due detail and applied to various examples from computational science. Auch externe konnen zu etwas hoheren preisen an vielen kursen teilnehmen. Nonlinear implicit solvers are at the heart of many simulation codes, and our software building blocks petsc, boomeramg, pardiso, and feap are all software packages with a large user base. The software environment available on rrze s hpc systems has been made as uniformly as possible, in order to allow users to change between clusters without having to start from scratch. Meinberg dcf ua 31 meinberg dcf c51 meinberg pzf 535 firmware version pzfuerl. Private nutzung regionales rechenzentrum erlangen rrze. Rrze is faus internal it service and manages free student user accounts and official email addresses which are used by the university to contact students. With regard to other facilities the university of erlangennuremberg is the authorised user. A number of other software programs, such as the ones listed below, are available for free. At the fau the project faubox was implemented by the regional computer center erlangen rrze and draws back to the powerfolder software. Microsoft regionales rechenzentrum erlangen rrze fau. The rrze cannot provide any type of support concerning the products that are available in the officeportal. Files or folders stored in the cloud can be accessed via webdav but the access is.
System administration pcpools department of mathematics. Dienstliche nutzung regionales rechenzentrum erlangen rrze. This is the joint home page of the hpc high performance computing group at erlangen regional computing center rrze and the professorship for high performance computing at the department for computer science at fau. The rrze only provides the required authorization for application via the studisoftportal. For the first challenge, we propose complexity measures on the mathematical operation and parameter level, because. With regard to the facilities offered by the regional computing centre erlangen rrze, the universities of erlangennuremberg, bamberg and bayreuth, and the colleges of nuremberg and coburg are the authorised users.
Please choose clients documentation terms of service imprint privacy policy powered by powerfolder documentation terms of. Chair for hardware software codesign w3, department of computer science, university of erlangennuremberg, germany since 2011 elected member of academia europaea, the academy of europe, section informatics. We also show how simple software tools can be used to acquire knowledge about the system, run code in a reproducible way, and validate hypotheses about resource consumption. Microsoft office 365 zur privaten nutzung rrzeanleitungen. Besides the use of commercial software, developing and deploying of open source software gets an increasing focus of the rrze. Web sites identified by name express the opinions and perceptions of their publishers. Access to pcpools is possible during the opening hours of the department by using the faucard to unlock the electronic locking system. With the embedded classification software toolbox, we present a solution to the two main challenges, namely obtaining a classification system with low computational complexity and, at the same time, high classification accuracy. Softwareserver fauxpas private nutzung rrzeanleitungen. Softwarepreise regionales rechenzentrum erlangen rrze fau. Webdav means webbased distributed authoring and versioning. Fau idmportal login cas central authentication service. Decompile and debug apk files and obfuscated dalvik bytecode rrze is the central it service provider of the fau, ensuring an operative it infrastructure for.
The rrze has no capacities to assist you with software for private use. Documentation for this environment can be found under hpc environment. Passing passwords results in the deactivation of the account. Mpt some special cfd packages chemistry packages under optbcosw. Produkte regionales rechenzentrum erlangen rrze fau. Welcome to rrze open build service the open build service obs is an open and complete distribution development platform that provides a transparent infrastructure for development of linux distributions, used by opensuse, meego and other distributions. Private nutzung regionales rechenzentrum erlangen rrze fau. Software regionales rechenzentrum erlangen rrze fau. Falls ihre hochschule zum software download berechtigt ist, muss ihr rechner. Einsatz des digitalassetmanagementsystems digital manja am beispiel unseres rrze bildarchivs dipl.
Rrze also offers programming and other it courses software training for students. This page gives an overview on the affiliations of our zisc members, organized by university faculties, departments, institutes, and chairs. The advancement of these software packages is explicitly planned for in the work packages of this project. Powerfolder by the dal33t company is in his functionality closely related to the by now commonly known web space dropbox. Abbreviation for regionales rechenzentrum erlangen regional computer centre erlangen at fau. The rrze is a central institution of friedrichalexanderuniversity erlangennurnberg, which is a publiclaw institution. Microsoft office 365 for private use rrzeanleitungen. Fur diese mussen lizenzen zur dienstlichen nutzung beim rrze beschafft werden. Pnf software is the maker of jeb, the most powerful interactive android app decompiler, built by and for security engineers. Bitte installieren sie einen neueren browser oder upgraden sie ihren vorhandenen.
Researcher at the department of computer science 12 hardware software codesign, friedrichalexander university erlangennurnberg, germany. The benchmark suite was created by the hpc group of erlangen regional computing center rrze hpc 1 and the chair for system simulation of fau lss 2. To help you get organized, this checklist provides an overview of necessary steps to be taken at the beginning of your studies. Er unterstutzt sowohl 32, als auch 64bitbetriebssysteme. Introduction to the rrze icon set the regional computing centre erlangen rrze provides an icon set especially created for it topics. It was defined in rfc4918 and evolved to a defacto standard. Sie verwenden leider einen stark veralteten browser. Starting a masters program at a new university is exciting but can be a challenge. Jedem nutzer wird eine eindeutige ipadresse zugeteilt. Some online vendors such as journeyed offer academic discounts to students wishing to purchase software. In this web interface you can easily upload, access and share files.
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